Brigid Ashwood Mythical Raven ~ Sterling Silver Pendant TPD3998
The Raven has always created much awe and wonder. It has been a timeless mystery to us. Ravens capture our imagination. They either revered or reviled them. Old World Pagans believed that a raven symbolizes healing and protection. Its black plumage, shaggy throat feathers, croaking call, and striking features has long been considered a bird of myth. It brings in deep healing and signifies the death of one thing to bring in the birth of another.
A source of power, more often depicted as a messenger between the living and the dead inspired in Brigid Ashwood Sterling Silver Jewelry Pendant. Â Watching a raven is comparable to watching people from a distance. You barely know what will happen. Ravens think. Ravens are very smart. They figure the most complex things out. They also, like humans, can be extremely relentless.
 - Chain is not includedÂ