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Shield of the Moon Sterling Silver Pendant TPD121
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Shield of the Moon Sterling Silver Pendant TPD121
Behold the intensity of the Moon among Wiccan traditions. It may be smaller than the sun and gives less light, it is no exception that the powerful Moon creates enormous influence since the beginning of time. To Wiccans and numerous different religions, the moon deserves a shield, protection. Shielding, in the Pagan community, is a way of protecting oneself from psychic, mental, or magical attack – it is basically a way of creating an energy barrier around us that other people cannot come through.
Meticulously crafted from fine sterling silver, the Shield of the Moon Silver Pendant features a detailed inscription and hand-crafted quality from the world-class artisans at Peter Stone. Peter Stone – the world's leading manufacturer of fine sterling silver jewelry – has created the Power Word Collection with inspiring mantras to help you find your inner peace or make an affirming statement.