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Sterling Silver and 14K Gold Accent Chakra Pendant MPD860
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Silver and 14K Gold Accent Chakra Pendant MPD860
Seven Life-Force Energy
Living our lives by the clock takes its toll on the mind and body. We search for meaning and seek for our encouragement every time we experience the inevitable ups and downs. We welcome balanced energy and allow it to flow through us tapping one of our inner chakras.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word commonly referred to as a "wheel" or rotating ring. They are rich and complex energy centers that oversee all aspects of our lives reflected in seven frequency colors of light and energy. The colors indicate your current physical state, mirror your emotional breakthroughs, and enlighten your spiritual connections.
Red (Genuine Garnet) is the color of the root chakra which symbolizes safety, survival, and nourishment from the Earth energy.
Orange (Orange Cubic zirconia) is the color of the sacral chakra associated with emotions and creativity.
Yellow (Genuine Citrine) chakra is the color of the solar plexus chakra symbolizing mental activities and personal will.
Green chakra (Emerald Glass) symbolizes the color of the heart chakra connected with love, integration and compassion.
Blue chakra (Genuine Blue Topaz) is the throat chakra associated with self-expression and communication.
Indigo chakra (Created Sapphire) is the color of the third eye chakra which evokes intuition and inner wisdom.
Violet chakra (Genuine Amethyst) is the color of the crown chakra symbolizing spirituality and consciousness to live our lives with intention and grace.
Your point of intention is your point of attraction. Notice the energy you are bringing into this space and moment. The present moment is where we experience our deepest joy. Immersing ourselves in nature is essential for our healing because it influences the subconscious to create peaceful thoughts and healthy being.
Meticulously crafted from fine sterling silver with 18k gold accents (18k 6 micron gold plated).
Details :
- .925 Sterling Silver with 18 Karat Gold Accent
- Pendant size 1 cm. W x 5 cm. H
Gemstone Details ( from Top to Bottom ):
1) Amethyst (Genuine) 4.0 mm.
2) Sapphire (Created) 3.0 mm.
3) Blue Topaz (Genuine) 3.0 mm.
4) Emerald (Glass) 3.0 mm.
5) Citrine (Genuine) 3.0 mm.
6) Orange (Cubic zirconia) Â 3.0 mm.
7) Garnet (Genuine) 3.0 mm.