A venture back in time, Masonry is regarded as a progressive science and the symbols it relates to change appearance according to degree. In 1950’s, Wicca emerged from the shadows in England with the publishing of books by Gerald Gardner, the founding Father of Wicca. Gardner and the covens are headed by a High Priestess and have three degrees of initiation closely paralleling the Masonic degrees where worship is centered on The Goddess and The Horned God, the guiding principles of Eight seasonal Sabbaths, and the Wiccan Rede are observed.
As rich as the history between Masonry and Pagan tradition, it is no doubt that until today, all the core beliefs and symbols are evidently manifested. For one, the basic theology of Masonry (There is Supreme Being Who created the Universe, Who has established and reveal a moral law, And to Whom we must give account in life after this) is followed; the letter “G” found in the Master Mason’s jewel, along with the Square and Compasses, means God; and the system of brotherhood symbolizing the principles of brotherly love, relief and truth is highly encouraged.
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