Celtic Knots Silver Sailboat Hook Earrings TER1760
Our lives are on constant journey finding our way to make the most of positive opportunities.
We travel the world to places beyond the maps edge. We sail and skimm over waters days on end. The horizons we are headed to lead to beautiful treasures maneuvered by the Sailboat. Brighter and brighter, we see the sky getting nearing the ocean as the sunrises.
It signifies victory in achievement of the goals and superiority in everything impressed by these highly polished and intricately crafted Celtic Sailboat Sterling Silver Hook Earrings. DiveSilver connects with Celtic knotwork.
Take the sailboat on the sea of life and savour the journey!
At the break of dawn, life is about exploring, hoping, and bringing forth the future happenings.
It’s seeking the secret treasures life has to offer. Such as it is a sea story, our journey has a beginning, middle and end.
The ending of one leads to the beginning of another.
The Horizon can never be met.
Humanity has spent an eternity upon the sea; from Phoenician sailors to modern yachters we are enamoured of the sail, of combining the water and wind to travel and explore.
“I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky; and all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.” - John Masefield
.925 Fine Sterling Silver
Earrings size 20 mm. H (not include hook)