Global Harmony in Om ~16mm chiming harmony ball with a 25mm Sterling Silver Jewelry Pendant cage TPD4659
Every time we feel good about ourselves, we find a vibrational alignment with who we really are. We contemplate and spiritually meditate. The meditations are based on a mantra which in Sanskrit, symbolizes a sound – an Om.
Of Hindu origin, Om is a sacred or mystical syllable representing the sacred sound repeated in the quest for Supreme reality. The symbol is chanted from the beginning and the end of a reading from the Vedas (sacred texts), and prior to any prayer or mantra. As claimed to have spiritual qualities, the Om gives peace and balance to the meditator’s being realized in this inspiring Harmony Globe pendant. Adorned with intricate Celtic knotwork encircling the Om on one side and whimsical hearts on the reverse, the soft ringing of the pendant has traditionally been used for the calming effect it has on the newborn and yet-unborn infants and has expanded into meditation and holistic communities.